Friday 27 March 2009

Robbie Williams going back to Take That...desperate or what?

I read today...the final day that I get to write a post on this blog some quite entertaining news, that Robbie Williams, the man who brought us Angels, She's the One, Rock DJ, Millenium and many in talks about reuniting with former band mates Take That. In my opinion, he's running out of pocket money and in desperate need to get back into the limelight after he failed with "Rudebox" in 2006.

I just think it's funny that he was making millions while Gary Barlow was writing with Donny Osmond and Mark Owen was on Celebrity Big Brother. I admit when I heard about Take That reforming, I thought there was no room for a boyband..if you've seen videos of them on youtube from the 90s you'll know why. But when they released Patience, I was shocked, I actually really liked it. And now they've secured three number 1 singles and one at number 2 since coming back, so of course Robbie Williams is now interested.

To be honest, I hope he doesn't rejoin, I feel that Take That are standing quite well on their feet without him. Especially since he admitted to being a UFO follower...

Friday 20 March 2009

Natasha Richardson dies at 45

This story struck me hard, it really is a tragedy. Someone to die at a young age is a tragedy in itself but she’s a mother and wife which makes it 10 times worse.

A mother is possibly the most important figure in a person’s life and I, personally couldn’t imagine my life without my mum. It’s Mother’s Day on Sunday and I think it’s important to celebrate, even if people think it’s just another excuse to make money.

Both my parents lost their mothers at a young age and I think one of the hardest things is to think of how short the time they had with them and thetimes they could’ve had; child’s wedding day, birth of children, wedding anniversaries, birthdays, etc. And it upsets me when people say they’re not close to their grandparents because if I had one wish it would be to meet my grandmothers.

My mum has said to me before that she wishes she could’ve asked more questions and listened more but obviously you don’t know how much time you have with the ones you love. I have passed my mum’s age when her own mother died and I just can’t think about how hard that must have been.

Of course you have good memories but it doesn’t make it easier, knowing they could’ve had more. One thing is for certain, for Natasha Richardson’s children, Sunday will be a very hard day and I feel for them and any others who have lost their mothers.

Thursday 12 March 2009

Three years for throwing shoes at President Bush? AND they didn't even hit him..tut

Yeah sure, throwing shoes at the President might be disrespectful but THREE years in prison!! What? To be honest I think Muntadar al-Zaidi (the Iraqi journalist who threw them) had every right as he felt it was hypocritical that President Bush had surprised Iraq with a 'farewell dinner' after 5 years occupying their country and killing innocent people.

In Arab culture it is a grave insult to throw shoes at someone but I think Zaidi's motive was to get a message across that many people had felt in Iraq. I mean it's a stupid thing to do really, seeing as George Bush was the President but even he laughed off the incident. I think being charged with 'attempted assault on a foreign leader' is extremely harsh considering the nature of the supposed "attack", afterall how many people get seriously injured from having shoes thrown at them?

I am definitely anti-Bush so I could be seen as bias defending this man but I think occupying and bombing a country for 5 years is a little more extreme than throwing a shoe at someone. And I definitely would've done the same...the only difference is, I would have aimed a little closer to his head!

Monday 9 March 2009

Barbie - Still a fashion icon at 50 and no signs of a wrinkle in sight!

As Mattel unveil a fresher, more natural-looking face for Barbie, I wonder what real 50 year old women look this good...Madonna? No. Sharon Stone? Not quite.

Strands of grey hair, a few wrinkles and menopause and I think you have a closer description. Women of this age would hate me if they read only this but actually I think it'd give older women a fashion icon, as well as keeping the younger version. Becuase don't get me wrong, many women at this age look a whole lot younger than they are and personally I don't think 50 is's MIDDLE age after all.

A lot of people would probably question the point of an 'older' doll but then you could question, what is the point of dolls at all...because children can enjoy them and even look at them as icons as they have developed so much, even having Barbie run for US president.

After all, celebrations are going on around the world as five decades have gone by and Barbie is still the most popular doll on the planet. Barbie – inspired outfits have even been created for the catwalk by 50 renowned fashion designers including Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein, shocking.

This might mean that this summers' fashion must-haves could be based on the outfits of a 50 year old doll I used to play with 12 years ago. On the positive least Barbie doesn't have to pay for surgery to look that good!

Monday 2 March 2009

Ryanair, what next?

Ryanair are ridiculous! If I didn't have to write 150 words for each blog, that would be the end. I am astounded that they are contemplating charging for using the toilet on a plane journey. Not only do passengers have to suffer with uncomfortable seats, no service, over priced food and £2 for water...but they want to charge for using the toilet, it's horrific.

Yes, they charge a very low amount for flights BUT the service charges and comfort in my opinion are totally not worth it. To be honest, yeah i'm a student and yeah i'm not made of money but i'd rather pay for a decent airline where I can be comfortable for the duration of the flight, after all I only go on holiday 1-2 times a year.

Michael O'Leary, chief executive of Ryanair, believes customers should "spend a pound to spend a penny" but what is the point in creating flights for so little if it's not actually going to amount to that in the long run and people are having to spend, even to go to the toilet or get a glass of water. Just because he has an estimated fortune of £280 million, doesn't mean he can exert stupid rules like this! After all this is coming from a man who said "the environment is not my problem, if you're worried about it, sell your car and walk!"

Stupid man!

Sunday 1 March 2009

Marriage - A wedding or a lifelong commitment?

"I'm a newlywed, get me out of here"

I read an interesting article in Glamour the other day about those who get married and realise their new husband is not quite Mr.Right after all.

Several women dream about their fairytale wedding from a young age but is that the problem, do people focus more on the 'perfect' wedding day than the marriage. Divorce online revealed that 10% of the 220,000 people who marry each year will split within 2 years of marrying.

I am like most girls, I have always dreamed about a fabulous wedding but not thought about the rest. Where I differ from a lot is that 'the dream wedding' is all it is, I would be happy not getting married if it meant I was happy, look at Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell or Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins.

I think it's a shame that the divorce rate is so high, what is it about getting married that ruins people's relationships, were they not made for each other in the first place or did they grow apart. My parents were married 25 years before they drifted apart and separated. On the other hand, my sister is approaching her 3rd anniversary and their relationship couldn't be happier.

I'd love to know what keeps a marriage together, I believe honesty and re-vitalisation. I couldn't be in a relationship without discussing things so when the time comes, you know whether to keep quiet and let them get on with it or open up to one another. I think re-vitalising a relationship is key, like trying something your partner likes that you might think is not for you or doing something spontaneous.

All I hope for is that i'm as happy as my great uncle and aunt, who were married for over 50 years.