Monday 23 February 2009

My silent worry.

Every week I feel like I read/listen/watch news where a teen in London has been killed. They might be in gangs which make some people believe that "it was coming to them" but to me, that is not the point!! Killing another person cannot be justified by anything, especially not a lame excuse such as "he was in my area" so action needs to be taken to get these teenagers off the streets and give them some sort of motivation.

I find myself shaking my head when I read a new story because I can't believe it's happened again, especially when they've never been in any trouble before. I remember 2 years ago when Emmanuel Odunewu was killed outside Lewisham Police Station, 10 minutes from where I live, he went my college and to friends was known as the "gentle giant" for his warm and studious nature. I didn't know him personally but it still hit me and my friends as it brought up the terrifying reality that 'it could happen to anyone".

This is where the worry comes in. Every young person wants to have fun, go out and in some cases get drunk. I have a few friends that get into trouble now and again when they've had alcohol and I find myself thinking that one day, they'll come across someone with a knife or gun.
It is my fear that I'll get a call one day and it'll be someone I know especially as there have been several serious cases of murder, gun fire, mistaken identity and ruthless behaviour where I live.

South East London is where i'm from, but hopefully not where i'll stay. I am so happy in Lincoln but I find that when I stare at endless pages of tragic stories, I stop and think...when will the tragedy hit home.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I stumbled across this post and would just like to say how aspiring it is. It is sad to see this happening in a day to day life. There is so much more that doesnt get reported that certain people have to think about and live with for the rest of their lifes.

    I am currently a Community Support Officer in Bromley, and I have witnessed many times, these incidents. Bromley isn't a bad place, but then it doesn't get reported. Much like the good stuff we do.

    Witnessing an incident where a young life is taken, isn't easy, and I have to hide my feelings. But I accept its part of the job and I need to be strong.

    I personally believe, hiding my feelings, and "pretending" not to care is the strongest I can do.

    Most of my friends dont understand how hard it is to watch a young life getting taken away in front of your eyes. Then again nobody really does.

    I just want to say that I feel exactly the same as you and it is a good addition to a brilliant blog. I look forward to reading future blogs.

    G to the A to the ZzA
